Protection and exploitation of new inventions and utility models.
A patent for an invention is a right, guaranteed by the State or by the European Union, which gives the holder a monopoly on the exploitation of his/her invention, that is, that particular solution to a technical problem that was not previously known.
Our company provides the following services in this regard:
- consulting and assistance for the protection of new inventions and utility models in all areas of technology;
- preparation and filing of patent and utility model applications in any European country and internationally;
- transfer of patents and utility models in Italy and abroad, or licensing and preparation of related documents;
- providing advice on issues of validity or infringement.
New inventions that involve an inventive step and are capable of having an industrial application can constitute the subject of a patent for an invention.
An invention is considered new if it is not included in the state of the art. The state of the art consists of everything that has been made accessible to the public in the territory of the State or abroad before the date of filing of the patent application, by means of a written or oral description, a use or any other means. The content of national patent applications or European or international patent applications designating and having effect for Italy, as they have been filed, which have an earlier filing date and which have been published or made accessible to the public also on this date or later.
An invention is considered to involve an inventive step if, for a person skilled in the art, it is not evident from the state of the art.
The exclusive patent rights are conferred with the grant of the patent.
The effects of the patent start from the date on which the application with the description and any drawings are made accessible to the public.
Once eighteen months have elapsed from the date of filing of the application or from the date of priority, or after ninety days from the date of filing of the application if the applicant has declared in the application itself that he wishes to make it immediately accessible to the public, the Italian Patent and trademarks makes the application with the attachments available to the public.
The patent for industrial invention lasts twenty years from the date of filing of the application and cannot be renewed, nor can its duration be extended.
Patent rights for industrial inventions consist in the exclusive right to implement the invention and to profit from it in the territory of the State.
In particular, the patent grants the owner the following exclusive rights:
- if the object of the patent is a product, the right to prohibit third parties, subject to the owner’s consent, from producing, using, marketing, selling or importing the product in question for such purposes;
- if the object of the patent is a process, the right to prohibit third parties, subject to the owner’s consent, from applying the process, as well as from using, marketing, selling or importing for these purposes the product directly obtained with the process in question.
It is an invention that provides machines or parts thereof, tools, utensils or objects of use in general with particular efficiency or ease of application or use.
The patent confers protection throughout the Italian territory and in the state of San Marino, and can be recognized in the Vatican City. The patent is valid for 20 years.
A patent confers protection throughout the Italian territory and in the state of San Marino and can be recognised in the Vatican City. It is valid for 20 years.
The application for the grant of a European patent may be filed regardless of the existence of a prior national patent. It is valid for 20 years.
Our philosophy is to understand the customer’s business in order to identify, protect and exploit their invention through the tools of intellectual property rights recognised by national and international regulations.
A fundamental requirement in order for a utility model to be recognised as such resides in its intrinsic novelty or originality, which affects, for example, an already known mechanism or form.
It is best to patent an idea in its infancy: a patent filed incomplete but in good time may always be perfected later; a complete patent, filed late, may no longer be valid.