Patent Call + 2023: Office Open from 24 October

bando brevetti 2023

Patent Call + 2023: Office Open from 24 October

The Brevetti+ 2023 call aims to encourage the development of a patent strategy and increase the competitive capacity of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), through the granting and provision of incentives for the purchase of specialist services aimed at the economic valorisation of a patent in terms of profitability, productivity and market development.

MSMEs, including newly established ones, with registered and operational headquarters in Italy, which find themselves in one of the following conditions, can apply:

a) are holders of a patent for an industrial invention granted in Italy after 1 January 2022, or holders of an exclusive license registered at the UIBM of a patent for an industrial invention granted in Italy after 01/01/2022. In both cases, patents must be up to date with maintenance fee payments at the time of submission of the application

b) are holders of a national patent application for an industrial invention filed after 1 January 2021 with a search report with a “non-negative” outcome;

c) are holders of a European patent application or an international patent application filed after 01/01/2021, with the related search report with a “non-negative” outcome, which claims the priority of a previous national patent application , provided that this national application has not already been admitted to the benefits of previous Brevetti+ calls.

The concessions are aimed at the purchase of specialist services in the areas of Design, Engineering and Industrialisation, Organization and Development and Technology Transfer.

Eligible expenses in the Technology Transfer area include the following services:

  • preparation of confidentiality agreements;
  • preparation of patent licensing agreements;
  • collaboration contracts between SMEs and research institutes/universities (sponsored research agreements).

The granting of a non-refundable grant with a maximum value of €140,000 is envisaged.

The benefit has a maximum ceiling of 80% of the eligible costs, raised to 100% for beneficiary companies which at the time of submitting the application were co-owners – with a Public Body of research (Universities, Research Institutions and IRCCS) – of the patent application or of a patent issued or holders of an exclusive license having as its object a patent issued to one of the aforementioned public bodies, already registered at the UIBM, without territorial extension constraints .

The overall financial allocation to be allocated to the MSMEs benefiting from the incentives amounts to 20 million euros

Applications can be submitted starting from 12:00 on 24 October 2023 until resources are exhausted.

Further information:

Brevetti+ 2023 Call

Director’s decree 16 June 2023 (published in the Official Journal of 13 July 2023)

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