Reopening of the Patents+, Designs+ and Trademarks+ tenders of 2023

brevetti disegni marchi

Reopening of the Patents+, Designs+ and Trademarks+ tenders of 2023

With the publication on Official Journal of the Directorial Decree of 16 June 2023 planning of resources to be assigned for the year 2023 at Patent+, Design+ and Trademark+ measures the path to the reopening of tenders, as required by the strategic lines of action on industrial property for the three-year period 2021-2023 adopted with the Ministerial Decree of 23 June 2021.

The total financial envelope of 32 million euros to be allocated to contributions to SMEs is divided as follows:
20 million for Patents+; 10 million for Drawings+; 2 million for Marchi+.

Following the publication of the notices (probably between the end of July and the beginning of August), the deadlines for submitting grant applications will be set (presumably starting in October).

Directorial Decree of 16 June 2023 published in the Official Gazette no. 162 of 13 July 2023


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